Reaching for the skies in Türkmenabat

GEDA transport platform plays its part in the construction of the new international airport in Türkmenabat

Despite the complex global political situation, construction works on the new international airport in the city of Türkmenabat are in full swing. Before the new building becomes a hub for flights across the entire world, there is still some work to be done on the construction site. State-of-the-art technology is ensuring that the Türkmenabat site will soon surge upwards with height access technology from Bavaria also having its role to play. The construction work is being supported by a GEDA 1500 Z/ZP transport platform from the manufacturer GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co. KG.

The Turkmen-Ukrainian project is being implemented within the "National Program for Social and Economic Development". The objective is to further develop the aviation infrastructure in Turkmenistan, by on the one hand increasing the number of international flights and on the other by raising safety levels. And last but not least are the projected 500 passengers who will depart and land every hour and who will benefit from higher service quality.

In addition to the construction of a modern terminal for passengers and freight, the airport project in Turkmenistan's second biggest city also involves the construction of a 3,800 metre runway. The airport site will also encompass a medical centre, a restaurant, a hotel for around 100 guests and a multi-storey car park. Therefore, the comprehensive construction measures also include the installation of the necessary supply systems for the airport operations and the corresponding supply lines along with the provision of transport connections.

The Donezk based finance and industrial group Altkom is responsible for the planning of this large-scale project. This company has already been involved in the building of the international airport in Donezk and in the Atumarat-Kerkichi road traffic bridge over the Amurdarja and therefore can draw on much relevant experience.
The Türkmenabat airport project is costing an estimated USD 498 million. More than 1,000 people, including around 300 experts from Ukraine are working on the project.

Therefore state-of-the-art equipment is being used for the construction site, and as regards the height access technology the specialists took advantage of Quality Made in Germany. A transport platform from the Bavarian manufacturer GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co. KG is providing valuable transportation services.

Up high with the GEDA 1500 Z/ZP

After the construction of the external walls of the new airport building, the GEDA 1500 Z/ZP transport platform was installed for the transportation of personnel and loads. As soon as the GEDA equipment arrived on the construction site it quickly proved itself with its simple and fast assembly.
The GEDA 1500 Z/ZP is equipped with two separate control systems and can be used both as a pure materials lift and also as a transport platform for people and materials up to a height of 100 metres. The transport platform control system has a hoisting speed of 12 m/min and this is activated for the transportation of people and materials. For the transportation of building materials, it is switched to material lift mode with a speed of 24 m/min.
The GEDA 1500 Z/ZP is guided along two steel masts. The proven two mast system ensures the platform remains stable when travelling and also ensures lower anchoring forces, since despite the high load capacity of 2,000 kg or seven people, the load distribution across two masts ensure that only low forces impact the external walls of the building.

Nor does the transportation of bulky building materials such as plasterboard or plywood boards, ventilation tubes etc. present any problems for the spacious platform. To meet the requirements of every different construction site situation, the customer can select from the various platform options which extend up to load capacities of 2,000 kg and the practical modular construction means there are many different combination options. Türkmenabat Airport is using the 1.45 x 3.30 metre BS-Platform.

GEDA transport platforms have also proven their worth when it comes to efficient working at low heights as the assembly height in Türkmenabat is 25 metres.
Safety is the overriding concern on every construction site. The GEDA 1500 Z/ZP transport platform is of course equipped with the usual safety equipment such as limit switches, speed-dependent safety gear, safety stop and overload protection.

Takeoff in February

The first spade hit the ground for the construction of the new airport back in February 2013.
Since then the construction work on the pioneering large-scale project have progressed uninterrupted and at full speed with both the external and internal construction almost completed. So that all start-up procedures are ready for takeoff in February 2016, the GEDA transport platforms will be used in Türkmenabat for a few more weeks yet.