Skeleton refurbishment

Three GEDA mast climber platforms support the refurbishment of Brünn University

The facade of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at Brünn Technical University is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment. The construction company undertaking the works is maximising the benefits of three MCP 1500 mast climber platforms from GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co.KG.

The 74-metre building which houses the mechanical engineering building at Brünn University looks like a huge skeleton.
When construction work started on the university building in the 1970s, its unique architecture set new benchmarks. With its glass roof and walls the mechanical engineering faculty certainly was a building that could be described as modern and the structure fulfilled its purpose for 50 years. But times have now changed and what was considered modern architecture then, today no longer complies at all with requirements, for instance, as far as energy efficiency is concerned. After half a century the ravages of time have gnawed away at the facade of the university building 74 metres high. Therefore both the foundations and the 72 metre high concrete columns which create the "skeleton structure" have to be extensively refurbished.

Modern architecture requires modern technology

The building that once impressed with its unique architecture is now being refurbished with state-of-the-art technology. After the refurbishment of the concrete columns and the exchange of the glass elements, photovoltaic modules are being installed on one side of the building.
The "skeleton architecture" presents particular requirements for the height access technology to be used. In order to cover the entire facade surface between the concrete columns and to complete the refurbishment promptly, the decision was made to use three GEDA MCP 1500 mast climber platforms. The Bavarian manufacturer GEDA-Dechentreiter GmbH & Co.KG was chosen due to its decades of experience and unique quality "made in Germany".

GEDA MCP 1500 – the "electric scaffold"

GEDA's "electric scaffold" – the MCP 1500 mast climbing platform – scores in many different respects, in particular its ease of use and simple assembly/disassembly. The advantages become clear as soon as the equipment is assembled. For example, during assembly of the pedestal, standard scaffold elements such as girders, scaffold planks, guard rails and toeboards can be used.
Using the well-known GEDA UNI-MAST segment with captive screws, the subsequent assembly can be undertaken directly from the platform. The GEDA MCP 1500 is guided on two masts. With a hoisting speed of 9 m/min, the GEDA MCP 1500 mast climbing platform transports maximum loads of 1500 kg up to heights of 100 metres.
The platform makes work both ergonomic and convenient since the device can be flexibility positioned along the facade. The platform also has a power supply point for work with a drilling machine or other electric tools, and when compared with a traditional scaffold, the use of mast climbing platforms has other significant benefits. For example, wall surfaces can be worked on freely as there are no vertical pipes preventing access. Furthermore, investment costs remain low, individual elements are transported in a space-saving manner and maximum safety and stability are guaranteed with a low setup outlay.
Mast climbing platforms are also popular for use on rental buildings. The platform is only located where work is actually going on. Therefore there is no tarpaulin concealing the view or preventing light incidence.

Soon studies will resume at full speed

The refurbishment works are running to schedule. During this year the mechanical engineering students will be able to move in to their freshly renovated faculty building. Until then three GEDA MCP 1500 mast climbing platforms will continue to perform their services on the "skeleton" at Brünn Technical University.