Sky’s the limit on corporate job site with the GEDA 2 PK

GEDA equipment can help with any building project, even the company’s own new headquarters

GEDA GmbH, a German manufacturer of construction hoists and industrial hoists relies on its own German-made equipment for building its new headquarters. The crane operator is safely conducted to his perch above the site in Asbach-Bäumenheim by a GEDA 2 PK hoist.

The new GEDA headquarters building

The GEDA 2 PK has performed impressively on countless international construction sites like an offshore wind farm in France. There, 16 GEDA 2 PK crane operator lifts were leased from our partner Uperio and installed to transport crane drivers to their cabins safely and efficiently. Construction and industrial hoists made by GEDA GmbH are used not only on an international scale but also right at home in Asbach-Bäumenheim, Germany. Here, the company is building 6,000 m2 of office space to provide room for 220 company employees to work plus a publicly accessible restaurant. In the finished headquarters, a permanently installed GEDA lift will connect the floors and become a central part of the new building. Following the topping-out ceremony in April marking the completion of the skeleton, work will continue, with the building scheduled to be completed and opened in the spring of 2024.

The GEDA 2 PK in lofty heights

On the job site, the GEDA 2 PK is used to carry the crane operator safely to his place of work. Some countries, such as the Netherlands, France, and parts of Scandinavia, already mandate that cranes higher than 30 metres provide operators with assistance in climbing the tower. More countries will also introduce rules and regulations to that effect. The GEDA 2 PK offers the ideal solution. Customers who have been impressed by the flexibility and safety of the GEDA 2 PK for roughly 25 years feel the same way. The thing that makes GEDA's crane driver lift special is its compatibility with any brand of crane, providing leasing companies with a huge benefit. Depending on the customer's needs, the GEDA 2 PK can climb a variety of heights up to 150 metres. On the GEDA building site, the crane operator is transported to a height of approximately 30 metres before walking the few metres to his cabin. Patented components of the GEDA 2 PK, such as its quick release connectors for the ladder sections and integrated cable channel, make the crane operator lift special.

At a speed of 24 m/min., the lift quickly reaches its destination, saving the operator from exhaustive climbing. The GEDA 2 PK not only makes the crane driver five times faster, covering the distance in the shortest possible time, but it also safeguards his health. To climb a crane 60 metres high, for instance, an operator without a lift would take roughly 12.5 minutes, exerting extreme stress on his body. With a GEDA 2 PK, he can reach his perch easily and much faster. That increases efficiency on the building site. This benefit can also help to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers since providing drivers with an easier way to climb tower cranes allows them to remain on the job longer, and older workers can continue doing the job. Employers who make equipment like this available are significantly more attractive to applicants and win out over their competitors. The crane operator lift also makes it easy for workers to carry tools or materials for service and maintenance, vastly reducing the risk of injury or falling.

The GEDA 2 PK ensures not only the health of workers but their safety. Once the driver reached the top, the car measuring 1.1 m x 0.6 m opens, and a small ramp with guardrails folds down. Together with the access barrier on the crane, this allows the operator to step across to the cabin risk free. A speed-regulated fall brake and electrical safety features guarantee safety and prevent errors in operation. In emergencies, the crane operator lift can also become a life saver. Since the GEDA 2 PK is big enough to transport two people, weighing up to a total of 200 kg, allowing help to be sent to the driver. Every minute counts, especially when the operator cannot help or free himself. The GEDA 2 PK can not only save lives, but it is also a simpler and more affordable precaution for emergencies. After all, if it becomes necessary to rescue the operator by helicopter, the employer may get stuck with a huge bill.

Other GEDA products for your construction site

When carrying out building project, the GEDA 2 PK can be used alongside the GEDA 3700 Z/ZP transport platform made by the German manufacturer of high-quality equipment. The transport platform, just like the GEDA LIFT 250 COMFORT, carries heavy materials to where they are needed on any job site. The ease of transporting bulky and heavy materials facilitates work on the site considerably.